Current and past Bachelor's theses
Bachelor’s theses – ongoing
- Sabina Burkhardt - Expansion of golden jackals in Armenia
- Mia Janzen -Data incompleteness and inaccuracy in species distribution analysis. Discussing the limits and advantages of the multi-criteria analysis method on the example of the common vole Microtus arvalis in Armenia
- Carl Handt -Development of grassland ecosystems in the Spreewald biosphere reserve
- Kai Rüter - Invasion potential of Chromolaena odorata in Western Africa and its relation to human modification
- Levin Wirthensohn - Mapping the suitable habitat and its change in future climate scenarios of the easternspadefoot toad (Pelobates syriacus) in the Caucasus ecoregion
- Serafina Bischoff - Spatiotemporal activity patterns and species interactions of animals in the Southern Caucasus (Nakchivan, Azerbaijan)
Luka Thiele-Stöhr - Examining factors which determine the effectiveness of revitalisation measures of drained fens near Berlin
- Rebekka Roch - Seasonal and diurnal use of the fauna bridge Wiesenhagen (Brandenburg, Germany) by wildlife in 2020/21 based on camera trap data
Past Bachelor’s theses
- Felix Hauke - Analysis of GPS-collar data of reintroduced persian leopards (Panthera pardus tulliana) in the North Caucasus
- Matthias Thomsen - Analyzing rearing site selection of the grey wolf (Canis Lupus) in eastern Germany
- Melina Radecke - The effects of climate change on traditional orchard meadows and their distribution in Baden-Württemberg
- Justus Mennerich - Identifying potential habitat for leopards across Europe
- Juliana Eggers - Variation in large mammal communities in protected and unprotected areas in the southern Caucasus
- Estelle Solem - Birds in the city: modelling taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity in Berlin
- Benjamin Balog - Assessing the range dynamics of the imperial eagle in Central Europe
- Victor Shippenbeil - Comparative analysis of iron hydroxite contaminated river sections of the Spree above and below the Talsperre Spremberg
- Gero Willmann - Beaver management in the Biosphere reserve Spreewald: Attitudes towards beavers and management actions
- Elisabeth Bauer - Assessing legacy effects of forest harvesting on the distribution of the Ural owl (Strix uralensis) in Romania
- Kristina Gackstetter - The geography of megafauna defaunation in the Caucasus
- Janika Hämmerle - Drought effects on old-growth forests and managed forest compared in Central and Eastern Europe
- Julia Mari Murata - Investigating long-term drivers of change in Saiga populations (Saiga tatarica tatarica)
- Irina Kirsanova - Assessing the effectiveness of protected areas in preserving wildlife amidst socio-economic and political shocks: A case study of protected areas in the South Caucasus
- Leon Eichfuss - Assessing potentially suitable habitat for the grey wolf (Canis lupus) in Central Europe
- Selina Scholz - Assessing the effects of landscape variables at different scales on Great Green Macaw nest occupancy in north Costa Rica
- Robert Wilbrandt - Assessing protected area effectiveness at preventing deforestation during armed conflict in South Asia using propensity score matching and panel data models
- Philip Liehr - Bryophyte communities along gradients of forest structure and climate
- Katrin Kirchner - Using step-selection functions to analyze European roe deer movement in relation to roads in the Bavarian Forest National Park
- Kyra Celina Damp - The causes and impacts of protected area downgrading, downsizing and degazettement (PADDD) in Kenya and the development of community-based conservation approaches
- Jana Otto - Changes in fire patterns in the Chaco between 1985 and 2015
- Ines Fara Grünberg - Edge effects in forests in the Gran Chaco in relation to land use
- Anna Börmann - Occupancy modeling for mapping the distribution of the Persian leopard and its prey in the northern Zagros Mountains
- Henrik Eritsland - Nest site selection of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europeaus) in an urban zoo
- Lina Lange - Climate change and the distribution of suitable habitat for Caucasian Tur in the Greater Caucasus
- Leonhard Grimm - Fire and post-fire recovery mapping Khoshrov Forest Reserve, Armenia
- Alexander Zillmann - Characterization of resting sites of raccoons in Berlin
- Benjamin Labohm - Using Maxent for mapping red deer habitat across the Caucasus and the northern Iran
- Leonard Wellmann - The possible land footprint of modern aquaculture: the case of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
- Florine Ley - Climate indicators and chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) body weigth in Berchtesgaden National Park, Germany
- Lisa Höhner - The extinction of the bees - a multifunctional phenomenon
- Anna Wenzel - Dynamics and Determinants of Fire Occurrence in the Northern Indochina Subtropical Forests
- Reinhard Kückes - Mapping natural forest and tree plantation dynamics in Misiones, Argentina (1985-2015) using Landsat time series
- Clara Sichau - Spatial risk model of livestock predation by Persian leopard in the Alborz Mountains, Iran
- Arne Zebski - Understanding the impact of forest disturbances on lynx habitat selection in the Bohemian Forest
- Michaela Daberger - Habitat suitability for the giant anteater in the Gran Chaco
- Lea Matscheroth - The phenomenon of downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement of protected areas in the region of the Brazilian Amazon over the last 15 year
- Florian Pötzschner - Post-release movement pattern analysis of a brown bear in the Lesser Caucasus
- Moritz Wenzler - Spatial Classification of Berlins land cover for urban biodiversity assessment – the case of the wild boar
- Martina Müller - Distribution of Primates' Habitat in Colombia and the Potential Impact of Oil Palm Expansion
- Lena Furch - Entwaldung ohne Mehrproduktion? Eine Analyse zur Änderung der Landnutzung und der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion im Südamerikanischen Chaco
- Jascha Sina Apkes - Kartierung von Habitaten für die Wildkatze (Felis silvestris) in Transilvanien (Rumänien)
- Josef Kaiser - Analysis of Climate Influences on Distributions and Trends of Net Primary Production focusing on Cropland Areas in Ethiopia
- Hendrik Bluhm - Habitat analysis for bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus) and Armenian mouflon (Ovis orientalis gmelins) in the Caucasus
- Peter Duksch - Methode zur Erstabschätzung von Energieholzpotenzialen im kommunalen Raum*
- Florian Kestel - Kaffee – Ein Weltmarktprodukt und seine ökologischen Folgen*
- Carina Schuchard - Vegetation dynamics of Brigalow plant communities in relation to precipitation*
* = co-supervision
Name information on this webpage is given with the consent of thesis authors. Photos on the individual webpages are courtesy of the authors, if not stated otherwise.