Committees of academic self-administration and representatives
Institute Council
The Institute Council is the highest authority of the department. It takes decisions on fundamental matters of the department, such as the distribution of jobs and resources. The Institute Council consists of 7 professors as well as 2 members of the additional 3 status groups (scientific staff, other staff, students). The Institute Council selects the Executive Institute Director and his/ her deputy. Further committees may be set up if support and guidance are required. Meetings of the Institute’s Council are open to the public.
- Kümmerle, Prof. Dr. Tobias (executive director of the institute)
- Schneider, Prof. Dr. Christoph
- Hostert, Prof. Dr. Patrick
- Nuissl, Prof. Dr. Henning
- Nielsen, Prof. Dr. Jonas
- Jasper, Prof. Dr. Sandra
- Lakes, Prof. Dr. Tobia
- Genz, Dr. Carolin
- Pflugmacher, Dr. Dirk
- Kaun, Barbara
- Schulz, Stephan
- Eggers, Juliana
- Busse, Klara
Budget Committee
Promotion committee
Board of Examiners
- Bagoly-Simó, Prof. Dr. Péter (Director)
- Krüger, Prof. Dr. Tobias (Deputy director)
- Nuissl, Prof. Dr. Henning
- Scheuer, Dr. Sebastian
- Stephan, Paul
Commission for Teaching and Learning
- Kitzmann, Dr. Robert (Chairman)
- Jasper, Prof. Dr. Sandra
- Haase, Prof. Dr. Dagmar
- Fritz, Sabine
- Kucharzyk, Karoline
- Elsholz, Stefanie
- Wandrei, Christian
- Geiger, Camilla
- Rückwart, Naami
- Feldbusch, David
Commission for Promoting Women
- Trommler, Kathrin (women´s representative)
- Dobrusskin, Janina
- Kirchner, Katrin
- Schmidt, Suntje
- Zinke-Friedrich, Sylvia
Alumni and Former Representative
- Beran, Dr. Fabian
Room Management Commission
Library Commissioner
- Helbrecht, Prof. Dr. Ilse
Foreign Affairs and Erasmus Officer
- Makki, PD Dr. Mohsen
Promotion Officer
- Kaun, Barbara
Women's Representative
- Trommler, Kathrin
- Dammann, Camille (deputy women's representative)
Software Representative
- Neitzel, Dr. Klaus
Fire Prevention Officer according to Fire Protection regulations (PDF in english)
- Graul, Ingo
Security Office/ Accident Reports
Hazardous Substances Officer
- Makki, PD Dr. Mohsen
Pandemic commissioner
- Kitzmann, Dr. Robert
Election Committee of the Institute
- Pötzschner, Florian
Local Election Committee
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Hostert (Professor's Group),
- Pötzschner, Florian (Group of research assistants)
- tba
- Scholz, Madeleine und Hanneman, Katrin (Students' Group)
Ethics committee
- Ethics committee of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Ombudsperson Promoting
- Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Suntje
- De Marzo, Teresa
Domann, Valentin