Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Geographisches Institut



Wolff, Manuel; Mykhnenko, Vlad (2023): COVID-19 as a game-changer? The impact of the pandemic on urban trajectories, Cities, Volume 134,



Andersson, Erik; Haase, Dagmar; Kronenberg, Jakub; Langemeyer, Johannes; Mascarenhas, André; Wolff, Manuel; Elmqvist, Thomas (2022): Based on nature, enabled by social-ecological-technological context – deriving benefit from urban green and blue infrastructure. Editorial to Special Feature Holistic Solutions Based on Nature: Unlocking the Potential of Green and Blue Infrastructure. Ecology and Society 27(4):18.

Gubic, Ilija; Wolff, Manuel (2022): Use and design of public green spaces in Serbian cities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Habitat International, 128,

Leibert, Tim; Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret (2022): Shifting spatial patterns in German population trends: local-level hot and cold spots, 1990–2019. Geographica Helvetica, 77, 369–387,

Edyta Łaszkiewicz, Manuel Wolff, Erik Andersson, Jakub Kronenberg, David N. Barton, Dagmar Haase, Johannes Langemeyer, Francesc Baró, Timon McPhearson (2022): Greenery in urban morphology: a comparative analysis of differences in urban green space accessibility for various urban structures across European cities. Ecology and Society 27(3):22,

Vianna Mansur, Andressa; McDonald, Robert I.; Güneralp, Burak; Hyejin, Kim, Hamel, Perrine; Callaghan, Corey; Puppim de Oliveira, Jose A.; Kuiper, Jan; Wolff, Manuel; Liebelt, Veronika; Martins, Ines; Elmqvist, Thomas; Miguel Pereira, Henrique (2022): Nature futures for the urban century: Integrating multiple values into urban management. Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 131, 46-56,

Haase, Dagmar; Wolff, Manuel (2022): Enabling ecosystem services at the neighborhood scale while allowing for urban regrowth: the case of Halle, Germany. Ecology and Society 27(1):22,

Wolff, Manuel; Mascarenhas, André; Haase, Annegret; Haase, Dagmar; Andersson, Erik; Borgström, Sara; Kronenberg, Jakub; Łaszkiewicz, Edyta; Biernacka, Magdalena (2022): Conceptualizing multidimensional barriers: a framework for assessing constraints in realizing recreational benefits of urban green spaces. Ecology and Society 27(2):17,

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret; Leibert, Tim; Cunningham Sabot, Emmanuèle (2022): Calm ocean or stormy sea? Tracing 30 years of demographic spatial development in Germany. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, 1003, DOI :

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret; Leibert, Tim; Cunningham Sabot, Emmanuèle (2022): Océan étale ou mer agitée ? Retracer 30 ans d’évolution démographique spatiale en Allemagne. Revue Marketing Territorial. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, document 1003, DOI :



Andersson, Erik, Borgström, Sara, Haase, Dagmar; Langemeyer, Johannes; Wolff, Manuel; McPhearson, Timon (2021): Urban resilience thinking in practice: ensuring flows of benefit from green and blue infrastructure. Ecology and Society 26(4):39.

Haase, D., M. Wolff, and N. Schumacher (2021): Mapping mental barriers that prevent the use of neighborhood green spaces. Ecology and Society 26(4):16.

Kronenberg, J., E. Andersson, D. N. Barton, S. T. Borgström, J. Langemeyer, T. Björklund, D. Haase, C. Kennedy, K. Koprowska, E. Łaszkiewicz, T. McPhearson, E. E. Stange, and M. Wolff (2021). The thorny path toward greening: unintended consequences, trade-offs, and constraints in green and blue infrastructure planning, implementation, and management. Ecology and Society 26(2):36.

Andersson, E., S. Borgström, D. Haase, J. Langemeyer, A. Mascarenhas, T. McPhearson, M. Wolff, E. Łaszkiewicz, J. Kronenberg, D. N. Barton, and P. Herreros-Cantis (2021). A context-sensitive systems approach for understanding and enabling ecosystem service realization in cities. Ecology and Society 26(2):35.

Wolff, Manuel; Fol, Sylvie; Roth, Hélène; Cunningham-Sabot, Emmanuèle (2021): Shrinking Cities, ciudades y su pérdida de población: dimensión del fenómeno en Francia. Translated by Francisco Maturana, Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography, Regional and Urban Planning,

da Schio, Nicola, Amy Phillips, Koos Fransen, Manuel Wolff, Dagmar Haase, Silvija Krajter Ostoić, Ivana Živojinović, Dijana Vuletić, Jakob Derks, Clive Davies, Raffaele Lafortezza, Dennis Roitsch, Georg Winkel, Rik De Vreese (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use of and attitudes towards urban forests and green spaces: Exploring the instigators of change in Belgium, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 65,

Dushkova, Diana, Annegret Haase, Manuel Wolff, and Dagmar Haase (2021). Editorial for Special Issue. Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in Cities and Their Interactions with Urban Land, Ecosystems, Built Environments and People: Debating Societal Implications. Land 10, no. 9: 937.

Schwarz, Nina, Annegret Haase, Dagmar Haase, Nadja Kabisch, Sigrun Kabisch, Veronika Liebelt, Dieter Rink, Michael W. Strohbach, Juliane Welz, and Manuel Wolff (2021). How Are Urban Green Spaces and Residential Development Related? A Synopsis of Multi-Perspective Analyses for Leipzig, Germany. Land 10, no. 6: 630.

Wolff, Manuel (2021): Taking one step further - Advancing the measurement of green and blue infrastructure accessibility using spatial network analysis. Ecological Indicators, Volume 126, 107665,

Barber, Anne; Haase, Dagmar; Wolff, Manuel (2021): Permeability of the City – Physical Barriers of and in Urban Green Spaces in the City of Halle, Germany. Ecological Indicators. Volume 125, 107555,

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret; Leibert, Tim (2021): Contextualizing small towns – trends of demographic spatial development in Germany 1961–2018. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography,

Scheuer, Sebastian; Haase, Dagmar; Haase, Annegret; Wolff, Manuel; Wellmann, Thilo (2021): A glimpse into the future of exposure and vulnerabilities in cities? Modelling of residential location choice of urban population with random forest. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 21, 203–217,



Haase, Annegret; Bontje, Marco; Couch, Chris; Marcinczak, Szymon; Rink, Dieter; Rumpel, Petr; Wolff, Manuel (2020): Factors driving the regrowth of European cities and the role of local and contextual impacts: a contrasting analysis of regrowing and shrinking cities. Cities 108,

Wolff, Manuel; Scheuer, Sebastian; Haase, Dagmar (2020): Looking beyond boundaries: Revisiting the rural-urban interface of Green Space Accessibility in Europe. Ecological Indicators, 113,

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret; Leibert, Tim (2020): Mehr als Schrumpfung und Wachstum? Trends der demographischen Raumentwicklung in Deutschland nach 2011. UFZ Discussion Papers, Department Stadt- und Umweltsoziologie, 1/2020, ISSN 1436-140X.

Haase, Dagmar; Wolff, Manuel; Sitnik, Karolina (2020): Unerreichbar nah – Barrieren in der Erreichbarkeit urbaner Grünflächen. Blog-Beitrag Innovationsnetzwerk Ökosystemleistungen Deutschland (ESP-DE) 10. Juni 2020. (30.06.2020).


Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret (2019): Viewpoint: Dealing with trade-offs in comparative urban studies. Cities, Vol.96.

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Dagmar (2019): Mediating sustainability and liveability – turning points of green space supply in European cities. Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Wolff, Manuel; Rink, Dieter (2019): Strukturen von Wohnungsleerstand in Deutschland. Eine Analyse der Gebäude- und Wohnungszählung (GWZ) 2011 für deutsche Gemeinden. Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning, 71(3): 1–18.


Mykhnenko, Vlad; Wolff, Manuel (2018): State rescaling and economic convergence, Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1476754.

Scheuer, Sebastian; Haase, Dagmar; Kabisch, Nadja; Wolff, Manuel, Haase, Annegret; Schwarz, Nina; Großmann, Katrin (2018): Combining tacit knowledge elicitation with the SilverKnETs tool and random forests – The example of residential housing choices in Leipzig. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, DOI: 10.1177/2399808318777500.

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Dagmar; Haase, Annegret (2018): Less dense or more compact? Discussing a density model of urban development for European urban areas. Plos ONE, Vol. 13 (2): e0192326, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192326.

Wolff, Manuel (2018): Uneven urban dynamics - The role of urban shrinkage and regrowth in Europe. PhD Thesis, School of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University, January 2018.

Haase, Annegret; Wolff, Manuel; Špačková; Petra; Radzimski, Adam (2018): Reurbanization in postsocialist Europe – a comparative view on eastern Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 42(2017), pp. 353-390, DOI: 10.12765/CPoS-2018-02en.

Wolff, Manuel; Wiechmann, Thorsten (2018): Urban growth and decline: Europe’s shrinking cities in a comparative perspective 1990-2010. European Urban and Regional Studies, Vol. 25 (2), pp. 122 – 139, DOI: 10.1177/0969776417694680.

Haase, Dagmar; Lampe, Katharina; Wolff, Manuel (2018): Unerreichbar nah – Barrieren in der Erreichbarkeit urbaner Grünflächen. Blog-Beitrag Innovationsnetzwerk Ökosystemleistungen Deutschland (ESP-DE) 10. September 2018. (22.12.2018).

Haase, Annegret; Bedtke, Norman; Begg, Chloe; Gawel, Erik; Rink, Dieter; Wolff, Manuel (2018): On the connection between urban sustainability transformations and multiple societal crises. In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (eds.) Urban transformations - Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 61 – 76.

Haase, Annegret; Wolff, Manuel; Rink, Dieter (2018): From shrinkage to regrowth: the nexus between urban dynamics, land use change and ecosystem service provision. In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (eds.) Urban transformations - Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience. Future City 10, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 197 – 219.


Nelle, Anja; Großmann, Katrin; Haase, Dagmar; Kabisch, Sigrun; Rink, Dieter; Wolff, Manuel (2017): Urban shrinkage in Germany: An entangled web of conditions, debates and policies. Cities, vol.

Dagmar Haase, Sigrun Kabisch, Annegret Haase, Erik Andersson, ellen banzhaf, Francesc Baró, Miriam Brenck, Leonie Fischer, Niki Frantzeskaki, Nadja Kabisch, Kerstin Krellenberg, peleg kremer, Jakub Kronenberg, Neele Larondelle, Juliane Mathey, Stephan Pauleit, Irene Ring, Dieter Rink, Nina Schwarz, Manuel Wolff (2017): Greening cities – to be socially inclusive? About the alleged paradox of society and ecology in cities. HABITAT International, 64, 41-48.

Wolff, Manuel (2017): Understanding the role of centralization processes for cities – evidence from a spatial perspective of urban Europe 1990 – 2010. Cities, Vol. 75, pp. 20-29, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2017.01.009.

Banzhaf, Ellen; Kabisch, Sigrun; Knapp, Sonja; Rink, Dieter; Wolff, Manuel; Kindler, Annegret (2017): Integrated research on land-use changes in the face of urban transformations – An analytic framework for further studies. Land Use Policy, 60, 403-407.

Wolff, Manuel; Fol, Sylvie; Roth, Hélène; Cunningham-Sabot, Emmanuèle (2017): Is Planning Needed? Shrinking Cities in the French Urban System. Town Planning Review, Vol. 88 (1), pp. 131-145, DOI: 10.3828/tpr.2017.10.

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret; Haase, Dagmar; Kabisch, Nadja (2017): The impact of urban regrowth on the built environment; Urban Studies, Vol. 54(12), pp. 2683–2700, DOI: 10.1177/0042098016658231.

Rink, Dieter; Wolff, Manuel (2017): Wohnungsleerstand in Deutschland. Zur Qualifizierung der Leerstandsquote am Beispiel der GWZ 2011, in: BBSR (ed.): Lücken in der Leerstandsforschung – Wie Leerstände besser erhoben werden können, BBSR Berichte kompakt, vol 2, 5-8.

Wolff, Manuel; Rink, Dieter (2017): Leerstandstypisierung auf Basis der GWZ 2011, in: BBSR (ed.): Lücken in der Leerstandsforschung – Wie Leerstände besser erhoben werden können, BBSR Berichte kompakt, vol 2, 13-16.

Rink, Dieter; Wolff, Manuel; Diez, Beatrice (2017): Wohnungsleerstand zwischen Schrumpfung und Wachstum. Eine Analyse anhand der GWZ 2011. In: Schmidt, H., Vollmer, M (eds.): Wohnungsleerstand in Deutschland, Darmstadt, Wüstenrot Stiftung, 276-285.


Wolff, Manuel; Leibert, Tim (2016): Deutschlands neue Raummuster – Bevölkerungsentwicklungen auf Gemeindeebene 1990 bis 2014. Nationalatlas Online 10 (27.05.2016) 3.

Budnik, Maria; Grossmann, Katrin; Haase, Annegret; Haid, Christoph; Hedtke, Christoph; Kullmann, Katharina; Wolff, Manuel (2016). DIVERCITIES: Living with Urban Diversity – The Case of Leipzig, Germany. Utrecht: Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences.


Rink, Dieter; Wolff, Manuel (2015): Wohnungsleerstand in Deutschland. Zur Konzeptualisierung der Leerstandsquote als Schlüsselindikator der Wohnungsmarktbeobachtung anhand der GWZ 2011. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 73(5), 311-325.

Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret (2015): Stadtregion Leipzig-Halle jenseits der Schrumpfung: neues Wachstum und Stabilisierung. Statistischer Quartalsbreicht I/2015, Amt für Statistik und Wahlen, Stadt Leipzig, 36-42.


Glatter, Jan; Hackenberg, Katharina; Wolff, Manuel (2014): Zimmer frei? - Die Wiederentdeckung der Relevanz des studentischen Wohnens für lokale Wohnungsmärkte. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 72(5), 385-399.

Wiechmann, Thorsten; Wolff, Manuel (2014): Skala i przestrzenne zróżnicowanie procesu kurczenia się miast w Europie na przełomie XX i XXI w. In: Stryjakiewicz, Tadeusz (Hrsg.): Kurczenie się miast w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. 17-25.

Wolff, Manuel; Glatter, Jan (2014): Studentisches Wohnen in Dresden 2012 In: Mensing-de-Jong, Angela; Kroll, Christian (Hrsg.): Campus und Quartier: Wechselwirkungen Sustainable campus: zusammen verändern Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW), Dresden.


Wolff, Manuel; Fol, Sylvie; Roth, Hélène; Cunningham-Sabot, Emmanuèle (2013): Shrinking Cities, villes en décroissance : une mesure du phénomène en France. Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Aménagement, Urbanisme, document 661. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/cybergeo.26136.

Wolff, Manuel (2013): Schrumpfende Städte in Europa - Eine quantitative Typisierung von Schrumpfungsmustern in französischen Städten. AV Akademikerverlag. ISBN 978-3-639-46872-4.

Mattisek, Annika; Sitte, Cindy; Wolff, Manuel (2013): Untersuchung zur Wahrnehmung und Nutzung des öffentlichen Raums. Auftragsstudie im Rahmen des URBACT-Projektes "USER" der Landeshauptstadt Dresden.


Glatter, Jan; Meinert, Maximilian, Bartsch, Sebastian; Wolff, Manuel (2012): Studentisches Wohnen in Dresden. Forschungsbericht Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie I/2012. TU Dresden.

Glatter, Jan; Siedhoff, Mathias, Sitte, Cindy, Wolff, Manuel (2012): Wohnungsmarktbericht der Landeshauptstadt Dresden 2011.

Wolff, Manuel (2012): Strengthening the evidence base for regeneration strategies: the European statistic as a basis for creating territorial knowledge of demographic change. In: Martinez-Fernandez, Cristina; Kubo, Naoko; Noya, Antonella; Weyman, Tamara (eds.): Demographic Change and Local Development: Shrinkage, Regeneration and Social Dynamics. OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Working Paper Series


Durate, Rui; Gubic, Ilija; Jankovic, Natasha; Moritz, Suzanne; Tusinski, Olivia; Wolff, Manuel (2011): Filling In the Gaps. In: Mironowicz, Izabela; Ryser, Judith (eds.): Urban Change. The Prospect of Transformation. AESOP, UN Habitat. Wrocław University of Technology.

Neumann, Ingo; Wolff, Manuel (2011): Handwerk und demographischer Wandel Herausforderungen, Praxisbeispiele und Strategien zur Unterstützung des schwäbischen Handwerks. Bericht im Auftrag der Handwerkskammer Schwaben.

Wolff, Manuel (2010): Urban Shrinkage in Europe - Benefits and limits of an indicator-based analysis, Working Paper Nr. 2010-06, Dresden University of Technology.