Conference proceedings
Mascarenhas A, Geschke J, Vohland K, Häuser C. Exploring linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem services policy indicators, sustainable development goals and essential biodiversity variables. Ecosystem Services Partnership 10th World Conference, Hannover, Germany, 21 – 25 October 2019.
Mascarenhas A, Geschke J, Vohland K, Häuser C. Exploring linkages between biodiversity indicators through network analysis. ALTER-Net & EKLIPSE Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 17 – 19 June 2019.
Mascarenhas A, Wolff M, Haase D, Naumann S, Davis M, Roeschel L, Baró F, Langemeyer J, Barton DN, Gomez-Baggethun E, Biernacka M, Kronenberg J, Krauze K, McPhearson T, Tysk K, Borgström S, Andersson E. Linkages between Green and Blue Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services in city planning: An analysis of selected cities in Europe and the United States. ESP Europe 2018 Regional Conference, San Sebastian, Spain. 15 – 19 October 2018.
Mascarenhas A, Haase D, Ramos TB, Santos R. Effects of demographic and urban development on ecosystem services: the case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal. ALTER-Net Conference 2017. Ghent, Belgium. 2 – 4 May 2017.
Mascarenhas A, Vohland K. Assessing and engaging stakeholders in a citizen science observatory for Land-Use/Land Cover monitoring. ALTER-Net Conference 2017. Ghent, Belgium. 2 – 4 May 2017.
Mascarenhas A, Haase D, Ramos TB, Santos R. Integrating ecosystem services into regional spatial planning: the case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area. 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. 13 – 15 July 2016.
Polido A, Mascarenhas A, João E, Ramos TB. How are ecosystem services integrated in strategic environmental assessment? The case of small islands. 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. 13 – 15 July 2016.
Mascarenhas A, Haase D, Ramos TB, Santos R. Nature-based spatial planning through the concept of ecosystem services in Lisbon Metropolitan Area. European Conference on Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings – Linkages between Science, Policy and Practice, Bonn, Germany, 17 – 19 November 2015.
Polido A, Mascarenhas A, João E, Ramos TB. Integration of ecosystem services in strategic environmental assessment: the case of small islands. International Workshop on Coastal Ecosystem Services at the Land-Sea Interface, Kiel, Germany, 22 – 25 March 2015.
Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Haase D, Santos R. Participatory selection of ecosystem services: Insights from Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal. ACES – A Community on Ecosystem Services 2014 Conference: Linking Science, Practice and Decision Making. Washington D.C., U.S.A., 8 – 11 December 2014.
Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Haase D, Santos R. Integration of ecosystem services in spatial planning: a survey on Portuguese regional planners’ views. Workshop "Indication, Integration and Application of Ecosystem Services in Decision Making". Kiel, Germany. 6 – 8 May 2013.
Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Haase D, Santos R. Ecosystem services in regional spatial plans and SEA. 32nd Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment. Porto, Portugal. 27 May – 1 June 2012.
Mascarenhas A, Nunes LM, Coelho P, Ramos TB. Stakeholders' own assessment of environmental performance: How it fits with real indicator data? 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Hull, UK. 24 – 26 June 2012.
Nunes M, Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Ferreira JC. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de avaliação da sustentabilidade para municípios costeiros Europeus. 11º Congresso da Água. Porto, Portugal. 6 – 8 February 2012.
Mascarenhas A, Nunes L, Ramos TB. Development of a participatory regional sustainability index using principal components analysis and Monte Carlo simulation: application to regional spatial plans. 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2010. New York, USA. 8 – 10 May 2011.
Guimarães H, Mascarenhas A, Sousa C, Garcia T, Dentinho T, Boski T. Systems Approach Framework in the Guadiana estuary. International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management. Estoril, Portugal. 11 – 14 April 2010.
Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Nunes L. Developing an approach for monitoring regional land use plans. 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2010. Hong Kong. 30 May – 1 June 2010.
Mascarenhas A, Coelho P, Subtil E, Ramos TB. The role of common local indicators in regional sustainability assessment. 14th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2006. New Delhi, India. 21 – 23 September 2008.
Coelho P, Mascarenhas A, Vaz P, Beja I, Dores A, Ramos TB. A methodological framework for Indicators of sustainable development at the regional scale: the case of a Portuguese region (Algarve). 12th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference 2006. Hong-Kong. 6 – 8 April 2006.
Oral communications by invitation
Mascarenhas A, Ramos TB, Haase D, Santos R. Ecosystem services in spatial planning and
strategic environmental assessment. MAES Workshop on Evaluation of Ecosystems and their Services in Portugal. Invitation by Portuguese Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests. Cascais, Portugal. 11 December 2015.
Mascarenhas A. Monitorização de Planos Regionais de Ordenamento do Território e Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (Monitoring of Portuguese Regional Spatial Plans and Strategic Environmental Assessment). Colloquium on “Strategic Environmental Assessment – What do our universities research?”. Invitation by APAI – Portuguese Impact Assessment Association. Lisbon, Portugal. 1 April 2011.