Parallel sessions E | Sunday 13 Sept 2015 09:00 - 11:00
C9 Content
Room 1201
Geo-media and visual literacy: Interpreting media images from a geographical perspective
Markus Hilander
Resource exploitation in German Geography textbooks
Matthias Kowasch
The role of Geography textbooks in the time of new media
Michal Pazicky
U7 Use of Educational Media
Room 1503
Photocopy of educational resources in secondary schools: Articulating national qualitative survey and teachers' point of view
Mehdi Khaneboubi
Memory practices and media use in educational contexts: Relationships between history, politics and memory in schools
Roman Richtera
What about the English resources selection in secondary education in France?
Aurélie Beauné, M. Bento, E. Riquois
C10 Content
Room 1504
Visual representations of colonialism in educational films in the interwar period
Michael Annegarn-Gläß, Anne Bruch
Colonial politics of memory in History textbooks since 1945
Susanne Grindel, Lars Müller
Mediating colonialism at the German Historical Museum-Work in progress
Sarah Maupeu
S2 Selection, Evaluation & Design of Educational Media
Room 1505
Designing learning resources. The use of fiction in textbooks for upper secondary school
Caroline Graeske
Designing digital learning material
Klaus Vejlgaard Just