Parallel sessions C | Saturday 12 Sept 2015 09:00 - 11:00
C5 Content
Room: 1201
Easy reading novels in Swedish classrooms - Textbooks or literature?
Anna Nordenstam, Christina Olin-Scheller
A comparative analysis of school Science textbooks: Greece and USA
Vasilis Koulaidis, Ioannis Maravellis
Geography textbooks in Spain and Portugal in lower basic education - a comparison
Ramón Martínez, Elsa Pacheco, Luís Alves, Cristiana Martinha, António Costa
CRL2 Community Resources & Libraries
Room: 1604
Textbooks for rural schools: Conflicts between the norms and the school practices
Edilaine Aparecida Vieira, Roseli Borrowice, Tânia Braga Garcia
- - Textbook systems worldwide
Bianca Pramann, Anna-Lea Beckmann
Digital resources and sustainble communities of French teachers: From emitting resources to formal communities and back
Georges-Louis Baron, Solène Zablot
U5 Usage of Educational Media
Room: 1503
Images as resources in Biological Sciences teaching
Camille Roux-Goupille
Pedagogical practice of the teacher and the Science textbook: An approach based on the epxeriences of the PDE/PR
Edna Luiza de Souza, Nilson Marcos Dias Garcia
The use of multimedia in education and socialization
Paulina Forma
C6 Content
Room: 1504
The teaching of Botany in Portugal. Analysis of primary education textbooks (1900-2000)
Fernando Guimarães
Activating and motivating children in logopaedic prevention and therapy: Speech therapeutic stories
Dorota Beltkiewicz
Entertainment and knowledge in Scandinavian textbooks
Aslaug Veum
Analysis of visual components in Czech History textbooks for lower grades of elementary schools
Ondrej Simik
HETT3 Higher Education & Teacher Training
Room: 1505
Student teachers' knowledge of the quality of learning materials
Arno Reints
The views of the students in the use of social networks to support higher studies
Josef Malach, Katerina Kostolányová, Milan Chmura
Undergraduate degrees and textbooks: A necessary interlocution in teacher education
Simone Regina Manosso Cartaxo
Writing paradidactic Science books: An experience with Faculty of Education students
Maria Helena da Silva Carneiro
OGA2 Overviews & General Aspects
Room: 1506
Teacher attitudes towards curriculum innovations: Introducing the state of the art
Tomáš Janko, Karolína Pešková
Research background in the field of textbooks and teaching materials in music education
Rosa María Vicente Álvarez, Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez
School textbooks in Colombia: Definitions, dimensions and research fields (2000-2015)
Miguel Ángel Gómez Mendoza, María Victoria Alzate Piedrahita
"1989 and all that": Geography Curricula and Textbooks During Post-Socialist Transformation
Péter Bagoly-Simó