Vorträge (Selection)
"Studying GPNs through the lens of dissociations: Symbolic value and the restructuring of the global fur-fashion complex" Research Seminar on GPNs, Trade and Labour, University of Manchester, October 2018 [invited speaker, with Oliver Ibert]
"Constructing transnational spaces of higher education: A research agenda" Department of Geography, Loughborough University, October 2018
"Shoring-up the archipelago: spatial divisions of labour and the geographical transfer of value" Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne, July 2018 (with M. van Meeteren)
"Practice, Space and the Economy (Revisited), Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne, July 2018 [invited Panelist]
"European Universities in the Global Market" FINGEO Spring School, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, May-June 2018
“Global Production Networks: Regions, Power(s), and Networks from an Economic-Geographic Perspective” German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, 27 April 2018 [invited speaker]
“Enriching value in global production networks: creation, construction and contestation”, Deutscher Kongress der Geographie, Tübingen, October 2017
“Exclusive development(s): Special economic zones and enclave urbanism in the Philippines” Global South Studies Centre Lecture Series, University of Cologne, June 2017 [invited speaker]
“Revisiting the role of services in global production networks and regional economic development” Regional Studies Association, Annual Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, May 2017 [Best Conference Paper Award 2017 Early-Career Category]
“Freeing capital, regulating labour? Investigating the construction of ‘exceptional’ enclave spaces for capital accumulation in Southeast Asia”, Workshop ‘Asian Connections: Linking Mobilities of Capital and Labour in Theory and Practice’ Centre for Asian Research, York University, Toronto, May 2017
“Die Globalisierung von Dienstleistungen und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in den Philippinen“ 14th Rauischholzhausener Symposium of Economic Geography, Rauischholzhausen, 29 April 2017
Panelist “Neoliberalizing Spaces in the Philippines: Suburbanisation, Transnational Migration, and Dispossession” (A. A. Ortega) American Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting, Boston, April 2017
“Global Production Networks and the Remaking of Cities: Enclave Urbanism in the Philippines” Workshop ‘Transnational Production Spaces’ Habitat Unit, TU Berlin, 21 February 2017 [invited speaker]
“Pervasive but neglected: conceptualising services and global production networks” Departmental Seminar, Department of Geography & Global Production Networks Centre, National University of Singapore, 4 November 2016 [invited speaker]
“Changing global production networks in the fur-fashion industry” Royal Geographical Society – Institute for British Geographers Annual Conference, London, 1 September 2016
“Lessons from ICT-driven transformations in Asia” (with L. Mann), Workshop on Industrialisation in Africa, London School of Economics, 3 May 2016 [invited speaker]
“Enclave urbanism in Metro Manila” InterAsian Connections, University of Seoul, 27-30 April 2016
“Value capture trajectories for the Philippine BPO industry: past, present and future” Stakeholder Seminar IT-BPO Sector, University of Amsterdam & University of the Philippines, Makati City, 5 April 2016