Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Angewandte Geographie und Raumplanung

Survey on Living and Moving in Berlin

For this survey, 10,000 people who moved within Berlin in the last two years were randomly selected from Berlin's registry office (you can find a detailed description of this process on the reverse side). Your address was also among those that were provided. Your participation in this survey is voluntary.

However, your cooperation is very important for the success of this study. The study will only yield an accurate overall picture if all of the people who we contact complete the survey. Your participation helps us to record the reasons and circumstances of moving in Berlin and understand current developments in the urban housing market.

Our survey is supported by the Senate Administration for Urban Development and the Environment. The results of this study will be forwarded to the responsible department for urban development planning. You can participate in a raffle for a total of 500 euros as a small compensation for your efforts (see participation note in the questionnaire). We would also be glad to inform you about the results of this study.

Your personal information will obviously be treated confidentially and anonymously (please see the detailed data privacy notice on the reverse side).

Thank you very much for your cooperation!


Contact for inquiries:

Please call us or send an email if you have questions about the survey or need assistance in filling out the questionnaire. You can reach our project members under direction of Professor Nuissl at:


Fabian Beran and Lin Hierse

Telephone: 030 / 2093 9479
