Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Wirtschaftsgeographie

Study Project Urban Agriculture in Nairobi

November 2021


In a joint effort with colleaques and students from Kenya (UoN) and Berlin (TU und HU) an insightful week of field research in Nairobi has taken place at the beginning of November 2021. Many thanks to all who have made this possible. The study project aims to analyze urban agriculture using the example of Nairobi. Urban agriculture encompasses the production, processing, transport, distribution and consumption of agricultural products in urban areas. The primary aim of the project is to record the current state of urban agriculture in Nairobi and to analyze development prospects. The current extent of urban agriculture and its importance for the supply are to be documented and potentials for the development of "robust" local product chains of production, distribution and consumption are to be identified. Nairobi is particularly suitable because the essential sections of the supply chain can be examined there and extensive preparatory work and long-term contacts with universities and stakeholders exist. A special focus will be on fresh products (fruit / vegetables), as this is where large potential for urban agriculture lies (short transport routes, less post-harvest loss, important for food security). In addition to scientists and practitioners, German (TU and HU Berlin) and Kenyan master's (UoN) students are involved in the implementation of the project. 

