Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Wirtschaftsgeographie

Study Project Tanzania

2 - 11 October 2017, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


In cooperation with the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), 14 students from Humboldt-University (HU) participated in an interdisciplinary and intercultural study project entitled “Analyzing Land Use Change” in October 2017.

Before the field research started, the students learned theoretical and methodological issues within a block-seminar and designed their research questions in exchange with partners from UDSM. The topics were related to issues of agriculture, horticulture, migration, gender, youth, urbanism and traffic.

On the 1st of October 2017 the group from HU guided by Saskia Wolff (HU, Department of Geography) and Alina Oswald (HU, Department of African Studies) arrived in Dar es Salaam and was warmly welcomed by the departments of Kiswahili, Geography and Engineering as well as by the participating students from UDSM.

Within 11 days, the students from UDSM and HU gathered data through interviews and mapping in international and intercultural teams. However, there was also time for evening-activities and a day trip to get to know each other better and even to become friends.


Foto: Thomas Rottstock


Further information:

Article in the IAAW newsletter (in German)

