Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Earth Observation Lab

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Geography Department | Earth Observation Lab | News | Archive | Paper on land use intensity trajectories on Amazonian pastures published by four of our lab members...

Paper on land use intensity trajectories on Amazonian pastures published by four of our lab members...

Philippe Rufin, Hannes Müller, Dirk Pflugmacher and Patrick Hostert have published their research on land use intensity in the pastoral land use systems of the Amazon in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.

"We derived annual spectral variability metrics from the Landsat TM and ETM+ archive (1984-2012) to capture trajectories of woody vegetation cover on managed grasslands. Since the regional management practices were until recently widely limited to manual clearing and burning of pastures, the presence / absence of woody vegetation serves as a proxy for land use intensity. We performed a regional scale analysis of our land use intensity proxy, revealing the onset of an intensification processes simultaneously to the Brazilian government´s initial efforts in forest conservation in the late 1980s. Furthermore, changes in our intensity proxy align well with regional environmental policies (e.g. the revision of Brazil´s national forest code) and market dynamics (e.g. opening of the region for export trade)."


Open access to the article for 50 days (approx until 10th June 2015)