Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Landscape Ecology

Models, Metrics and Typologies of Resilient Cities


The AXA Research Fund project "Models, Metrics and Typologies of Resilient Cities" undertakes research focusing on (1) Urbanization and urban growth; and (2) Effects of urbanization on urban socio-ecological ecosystems and resilience.




Urbanization and urban growth

Across the globe, the idea of what is urban, and thus urbaneness is under discussion. Related to what is perceived as urban is also the question of where something urban is located. Research undertaken under this topic seeks to investigate and implement new concepts of urbaneness, in particular that of urban land teleconnections. Furthermore, novel indicators for urbaneness shall be identified and tested to develop global and regional maps of urbaneness. Doing so, new assessments of the impacts of urbanization on global resources of land, water, forestry and biodiversity shall be facilitated, thereby shedding light on the actual state of urban sustainability and urban resilience. 


Effects of urbanization on urban socio-ecological ecosystems and resilience

The services provided to society by nature are important factors of urban resilience. Research undertaken under this topic focuses on increasing urban resilience by investigating the effects of urbanization on a variety of ecosystem services regarding food production, water flow, temperature regulation and recreation. More importantly, potentials shall also be identified by assessing and estimating blue (waters) and green (greenspaces) infrastructure in core cities and their hinterland.



The AXA team collaborates with the following partners:


  • Thomas Elmqvist and Erik Andersson (Stockholm Resilience Centre)

  • Timon McPhearson (The New School, New York)

  • Ralf Seppelt (UFZ Leipzig)

  • Burak Güneralp (Texas A&M University)

  • Niki Frantzeskaki (Erasmus University Rotterdam)