Winter Semester 2022/2023
- BA for combined teacher education: (SE) Applied Geoinformation Processing and Cartography
Summer Semester (regular)
- (M4) MA EDU: Cartography and Geomedia - student results (presentations in German)
regular teaching 2014 - 2022
- WS (BA for comined teacher education: (SE) Cartography and Applied Geoinformation Processing
- SoSe (Ba-Mono): (SE) Applied Geoinformation Processing and Cartography
one-time course offerings
- WS 17/18 Doctoral researcher education at IRI THESys - Introductory to GIS (1 day workshop)
- WS 14/15 (SE 32160) for MA - Using Geomedia in high school geography education
- Sept. 2014 - Humboldt-Child-University: How does mom's car navigation system works?